my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

Material-UI Builder: Generating a React / Material-UI Codebase

Material-UI is a widely used UI component framework for React based on Google's Material Design design system. These frameworks and systems simplify and streamline the development of consistent user interfaces for web applications. Material-UI Builder is drag & drop online editor that allows you to choose from a wide range of Material-UI components for your application, customise the CSS styles applied to them, and export a ready-to-use codebase based on those preferences. Read more

State of JavaScript Survey: 2018 Edition – Criticism from an Angular Perspective

Recently, the results of the 2018 edition of the State of JavaScript survey have been published. As usual, the report comes with handy categories such as front-end, data layer, testing or mobile. While I very much support the idea of creating a yearly survey of the JavaScript landscape and this survey in particular, which I have been supporting since its inception, there's a major issue with this year's edition: In contrast to its previous editions the survey results lump together (or at least the ... Read more

Learning React Native Through Responsiveness and Instant Feedback

React Native Express is an interactive guide that enables you to learn React Native right in the browser. Getting started with React Native - and React for that matter - can be quite daunting. While the framework itself isn't all that difficult to grasp there are quite a few tools like transpilers such as Babel and state management libraries like Redux which are required for getting productive with React Native. React Native Express attempts to ease you in and make that initial ... Read more