my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

Improve Developer Experience With Spring Interface Clients by Olga Maciaszek-Sharma @ Spring I/O 2024

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Developer Experience with Spring Boot on Kubernetes by Thomas Vitale @ Spring I/O 2023

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Schematic – A Database Management UI for Spring Boot

Out of my own need for an embedded database management tool for Spring Boot web applications, similar to the H2 Console, but for non-embedded databases, I've created Schematic - a database management UI for Spring Boot. Specifically, for the Workshops.DE Spring Boot course, some time ago we had decided to replace a development-time, embedded H2 database (and the console application that comes with it) with a more realistic (in that it brings our code closer to an assumed dev / prod parity, ... Read more

Just – A Command Line Toolkit for Spring Boot Applications

In December last year, freelance software consultant Maciej Walkowiak, who also is the lead developer of Spring Cloud AWS, released just, a command-line toolkit for developing Spring Boot applications. I've been using just since then and I'm extremely happy with this tool and how it has improved my development experience with Spring Boot. Although Spring Boot already provides a more than decent developer experience - especially when it comes to getting up and running quickly and integrating technologies and data sources - compared ... Read more

Faster Maven Builds With mvnd – A Maven Daemon

Maven is a popular build tool for Java projects. It allows developers to easily manage dependencies, build and test their code, and package it for distribution. However, one downside of Maven is that it can be slow to start up, especially on large projects. This is where the Maven Daemon, or mvnd, comes in. mvnd is a tool that allows Maven to run in the background as a daemon process, rather than as a one-off command. This means that when you run ... Read more

Inheriting Properties for Lombok @Builders and JPA Entities

Lombok is one of those helpful developer tools for the Java language ecosystem that streamline (or even do away with entirely) the more tedious and mundane tasks in software development. Lombok in particular vastly reduces the boilerplate code Java developers have to write by providing annotations that have code for common structures and patterns such as constructors, getters and setters, and builders automatically generated. While tremendously helpful, sometimes edge cases can occur when working with theses kinds of abstractions and as a ... Read more

Bootify: Rapid Prototyping for Spring Boot

Bootify is a rapid prototyping and code generation tool for Spring Boot that aims at improving developer experience for when getting started with a new Spring Boot application. While of course there is Spring Initializr, which serves a similar purpose, Bootify not just generates a minimal Spring Boot application with the desired dependencies but, on top of that and amongst other features, also adds database schema and model generation, REST API and CRUD capabilities, and front-end code generation. With those features, Bootify is ... Read more