my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

Daily Standup Meetings: Anti-patterns And What to Do About Them

Daily standup meetings are a mainstay of agile software development methods, such as XP, Kanban (which used to be an inventory control system having originated at Toyota) and Scrum, of course. Given that agile development methods are by far the most dominant ones in the software industry today, it should come as no surprise that daily standup meetings are a common feature of software development processes these days. These meetings basically serve the purpose of informing everyone on the team about these 3 ... Read more

Why Hyperloop’s awesome and still the wrong idea

On 12 August 2013 Elon Musk published his much anticipated Hyperloop idea. Given his track record, Musk's 'Tony Stark'-like image and claims that Hyperloop would be a 'fifth mode of transportation' that 'could revolutionize travel' people got excited about what his exact vision might be. So, now we know: Hyperloop basically is an elevated tube through which transport capsules move. The tube's partially evacuated to reduce friction, hence allowing for much greater speed (almost approaching the speed of sound) at much lower ... Read more

Butts In Seats Management

When answering a question on Quora yesterday I stated that although Google's self-driving cars are a pretty neat idea they are by no means a solution to the commuting problem: People waste countless hours every year while commuting to their workplace. Though self-driving cars might alleviate this they won't solve the root problem: Transporting people to their workplaces when there's technology available that would allow them to work remotely or in fact from any place they'd like to is just wrong. Remote working technology ... Read more

Fixing Work

I somehow dislike the concept of New Year's resolutions since a new year is just as good a time for trying to change something or venturing into something new as any other time. New Year's resolutions also tend to be forgotten ever so quickly. It just so happens that I've been nurturing a few thoughts as of lately that I'd like to turn into something real right now. My point is that the way software development work (or any engineering / technical / ... Read more