Earlier his week, we finally released the first iteration of the Stratospheric Online Course – a companion course to our ebook “Stratospheric – From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS“!
Having just returned from Spring I/O 2022 in Barcelona – where, incidentally, the authors of Stratospheric met in person for the first time – I can say there are quite a few exciting things in store for Spring Boot and Spring in the near future, particularly when it comes to the major upgrades to Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3, both due later this year.
Right now, though, I’d like to tell you a bit more about the Stratospheric online course, which we’ve been working on for some time now:
First things first, in keeping with our agile release tradition for the ebook, we decided to release the course in an incremental fashion as well.
That means that, initially, only the first few lessons will available. We’ll add lessons incrementally and release those in batches until the course is complete (and even beyond that, as we’ll update the course every now and then).
The price of the course will go up with each new set of lessons.
Once you’ve purchased the course, with each batch of lessons you’ll automatically get access to the new lessons for free! So, the sooner you get access to the course, the better the deal you make.
The course will come both as a bundle with the ebook (at a final price of $269) and as a stand-alone version (at $249 for the final release. Those of you who’ve already purchased the ebook will get the final release of the course at a $50 discount (i.e. for $199).
Without further ado, as of today, you can get access to the Stratospheric online course at an early-bird rate of $99!
The course comprises these three main parts:
- Part I: Deploying with AWS
- Part II: Spring Boot & AWS
- Part III: Production Readiness with AWS
To provide you with both a first glimpse at what you’re going to get, as well as some immediate hands-on value, the initial video on “Deployment Options with AWS” from part I is available already.
You can find further information on the early-bird program here.