Last week, we released the 3rd iteration of our eBook Stratospheric – From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS.
Roughly two months have passed since the last release in December 2020. We hope that we’ve made good use of this time by adding a few more chapters, as well as by improving and “refactoring” some of the already existing content.
The latest release contains these new chapters:
- Designing a Deployment Project with CDK: Building upon our First Steps with CDK we’ll go into much more detail about deploying AWS infrastructure with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) in this chapter. You’ll learn how to create the entire infrastructure (network, database server, you name it) required for running a cloud-based web application.
- Building User Registration and Login with AWS Cognito: Authentication & authorization and login & registration features are a requirement for almost every web application. Instead of reinventing this particular wheel, with AWS Cognito we’ll draw upon an existing solution for implementing these features. We’ll build our app’s registration and login functionality on top of a Cognito User Pool and secure our application with Spring Security based on the industry standards OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect 1.0.
- Connecting to a Database With RDS: Just like login & registration, most web applications require some sort of data storage for persisting data across sessions. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to set up and use relational database management systems (RDBMS) – PostgreSQL, specifically – for storing data in the context of AWS. We’ll cover the required IAM permissions, AWS infrastructure, and how to use our new database with Spring Boot, both in production and locally during development.
Apart from those new chapters we’ve now tentatively added a few chapter titles to the upcoming “Part III: Operations with AWS” of the eBook in order to give readers an idea about what’s still in store:
- Logging
- Emitting and Monitoring Metrics
- Alerting
- Synthetic Monitoring
- RDS Operations and Observability
With these additional three chapters Stratospheric is now approaching about 50 percent completion. The new suggested price is $30.
You can get your copy of the book at Leanpub.
If you subscribe to the mailing list you’ll get an additional 50% discount on the current price.