Almost five years ago I wrote about a talk given by Petro Salema at that year’s edition of beyond tellerrand in Düsseldorf:
Petro Salema – Designing Interfaces That Think @ beyond tellerrand Düssedorf 2015
A common advice given regarding talks and presentations, especially ones of a more technical variety, is to not just talk about technical details but to tell a story.
While this piece of advice is good and well-intentioned it’s not usually exemplified or specified in any more detail. Steve Jobs is often – and rightfully so – cited as a master storyteller but other than that I’ve found concrete examples of good storytelling during presentations to be particularly – and peculiarly – scarce.
However, since beyond tellerrand 2015 I’ve been thinking of this talk whenever I hear that particular piece of advice. So, this is why I’d like to repost the video of Petro’s talk today. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do:
Petro Salema – Designing Interfaces That Think – beyond tellerrand DÜSSELDORF 2015 from beyond tellerrand on Vimeo.