my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

Do you really need Hibernate by Simon Martinelli @ Spring I/O 2023

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Guest Post on the AWS Open Source Blog: Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS

Last week, another two-part article by Tom Hombergs, Philip Riecks, and me was published on the AWS Open Source Blog. Thanks a lot to Ricardo Sueiras for making this possible. This time around we wrote about how to use a PostgreSQL database with Amazon RDS and Spring Boot: Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS — Part 1 Using PostgreSQL with Spring Boot on AWS — Part 2 These articles draw upon the chapter Connecting to a Database with Amazon RDS from our eBook Stratospheric ... Read more

Using SQLite on a Static Website Without a Back-end Server

GitHub user phiresky recently published an interesting blog post on Hosting SQLite databases on Github Pages. Using SQLite - or in fact any kind of SQL database - in the browser? Why should one want to do this? Now, while it's certainly true that in the context of web applications SQL databases and RDBMS generally are relegated to the realm of back-end servers, depending on the requirements, a database in a front-end application or a self-contained application that doesn't even have or ... Read more

Rarely Used But Useful PostgreSQL Features

I'm an avid user of SQL and the variety of - frequently overlooked - features it provides. However, unfortunately the possibilities of SQL and modern, advanced open source incarnations of RDBMS such as PostgreSQL aren't utilised to the extent they could be when developing web or enterprise applications today. More often than not SQL database are perceived as a mere data store for persisting object-oriented data, which can give rise to the famous object-relational impedance mismatch. SQL servers, PostgreSQL in particular, are capable ... Read more

Modern SQL by Markus Winand

Last year, I attended an event during which SQL trainer and consultant Markus Winand gave an aptly titled talk on Modern SQL: Evolution of a dinosaur (the linked video is not from that event but it shows the same talk given at another event). Markus runs a website called Modern SQL, which provides an impressive range of SQL tips, best practices, descriptions of both highly useful and lesser known SQL features and comparisons between the various relational database management systems (RDBMS) available ... Read more

Using Spring JdbcTemplate Instead of Object-Relational Mapping

Spring JDBC and Spring JdbcTemplate in particular has become my go-to tool for accessing relational databases for quite some time now and for good reason in my opinion: The common way for using data from an RDBMS in an object-oriented context used to be and for the most part still is object-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks like the Java Persistence API (JPA) or Rails' ActiveRecord. As the name suggests these frameworks attempt to map data (and concepts) from relational, set-oriented data structures, which ... Read more

Keeping database schemas up-to-date with Flyway

At least ever since Ruby on Rails' Active Record Migrations put an emphasis on keeping database schemas consistent with your software's source code both during development and in production database migration tools have become a staple in modern software development. Database migration (or database refactoring as this technique is sometimes called as well) tools allow you to apply data definition language (DDL) statements like "CREATE TABLE ..." or "ALTER ..." to databases in an automated, consistent and traceable manner instead of either ... Read more

Sharing and exploring data models and database patterns

Somewhat in the vein of last week's post, I'd like to share a new service called dbpatterns with you. dbpatterns allows you to create ER models in the browser and share them with other users. If a particular pattern or model suits your needs you can directly export its DDL for PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL or Oracle RDBMS. I really appreciate the idea of promoting and sharing best practices for database systems. While object-oriented software design patterns are rather common (though some particular ... Read more

Hands-on SQL Tips: Sentinels And Window Functions

Sometimes when displaying data in an application you want the amount of data (rows, individual data points etc.) to be limited for the app to stay responsive and to allow the user to more easily scan and browse the data set. In SQL this is commonly done using a LIMIT statement: [crayon-67a8aaf67d9fe116243942/] Now, what if you want to not only display the data but also inform the user in case the total number of rows in the table exceeds the limit set by ... Read more

Analyzing Large Datasets With SQL

As part of a web application I've created for a client, I've been working on efficient analysis of somewhat large datasets for some time now. This analysis often involves complexing grouping, clustering and value aggregation. SQL and PostgreSQL aggregate functions in particular come in quite handy when dealing with that kind of challenge. While RDBMS and SQL certainly are useful already just for keeping and retrieving data, i.e. for running your usual CRUD operation, those tools really shine when it comes to ... Read more
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