Napworking – Dorobot @ beyond tellerrand 2019

Napworking - Dorobot from beyond tellerrand on Vimeo. Read more

Running A Local Angular Development Environment Behind A Spring Cloud Gateway Service

Having multiple microservices running behind a reverse proxy / API gateway in lieu of a single monolithic back-end application is a common pattern these days. With such an architecture it often comes in handy to have an Angular application that serves as a front-end for such a modularised back-end be served from behind a reverse proxy running locally as well in order to treat it is if it were running on the same host and port as the back-end. Not only will ... Read more

Take Back Your Web – Tantek Çelik @ beyond tellerrand 2019

Take Back Your Web - Tantek Çelik from beyond tellerrand on Vimeo. Read more

“Paging with Spring Boot” by Tom Hombergs: A Guide to Paging and Pagination in Spring-based Web Applications

In his article Paging with Spring Boot software engineer Tom Hombergs (a former fellow student) provides an in-depth explanation of paging and pagination concepts and how to implement those in web applications with Spring Data and its Pageable interface. The article covers aspects such as sorting, usage with Spring Data repositories and testing. It's a useful reference for iteratively retrieving and displaying a larger amount of items from a database in a Spring Boot and Spring Data context in an efficient manner. There's ... Read more