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Reden wir über Digitales.

Ich bin selbständiger IT Berater und Unternehmer in der Internet und Software Branche. Ich beschäftige mich mit Design, Enterprise Applikationen, Web Apps und SaaS Produkten. Ich entwerfe und entwickle Business Lösungen und Anwendungen. Ich helfe Unternehmen in Sachen Software Qualität und Wissenstransfer, z.B. mit Angular und Spring Boot.

Aarron Walter – Returning to Your Maker Roots @ beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf 2022

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.To me - with many of the speakers (Geri Coady, Jude Pullen, Cabeza Patata, among others) talking about change and experiments - Aarron Walter's idea of reconsidering (which inspired the Re:considering podcast co-hosted by Aarron) what's truly important to you has been the overarching theme of this year's beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf: Read more

Working Across Timezones in Remote Work Settings and Distributed Environments

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.When working in a distributed environment or remote work environment, as is increasingly - and quite fortunately - becoming the default for knowledge workers, and the software industry in particular, chances are, rather sooner than later you'll be collaborating across timezones. I'm currently collaborating with people from EDT, GMT, CEST, MYT, JST, and AEST timezones, for instance. Asynchronous communication is crucial in a remote work setting already when no time differences are involved. It becomes absolutely ... Read more

My Remote Work Setup

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.I've been a proponent of remote work, new ways of work and different approaches to work culture and the opportunities and options those provide for a long time. While 2019 arguably was the year when remote work finally caught on for more than just a select few, 2020 most definitely was the year when remote work really took off - for obvious reasons. I'd like to quickly share some of the tools and components from my ... Read more

2020 in Review

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.May you live in interesting times. - claimed to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse - Usually I refrain from writing one of those end-of-the-year reviews because they often amount to little more than self-involved navel-gazing (been there, done that ...). However, 2020 was a truly interesting, extraordinary and in many ways remarkable year. So, here goes, navel-gazing and all ... In December 2019 (or thereabouts) what we today know as COVID-19 or the Coronavirus pandemic ... Read more

Remote Work Is Here to Stay: Best Practices and Tools

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.2019 seems to have been the year when remote work finally caught on. While not exactly the new default yet it's not as alien and outré anymore as it used to be just a few years ago. Today, instead of being ridiculed or looking into bewildered faces proponents of remote work are usually taken seriously. You're also far less likely to hear bromides such as "Yeah, we don't do that here because in-person communication ... Read more

Napworking – Dorobot @ beyond tellerrand 2019

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. Napworking - Dorobot from beyond tellerrand on Vimeo. Read more

What’s Digitalisation Actually About?

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Digitalisation, or digital transformation, as it is sometimes also called is an important subject matter as well as challenge for businesses today. Therefore, I find it strangely confusing that sometimes aspects are lumped together under this umbrella that are not or only tangentially related to what digitalisation actually is about. So, here's my - perhaps opinionated - take on what digitalisation is actually about and what it entails. In a nutshell, digitalisation comprises these aspects: Rethinking ... Read more

Water Cooler Talk Is Toxic

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.An often-heard counter-argument against remote work is that those working remotely will miss out on so-called water cool talk, i.e. communication that happens casually and outside of scheduled meetings and discussions. In my opinion that kind of talk can be considered toxic. If it's merely about socialising and getting to know your co-workers better that's certainly fine and conducive to a positive work environment. However, often water cooler talk involves bandying about rumours as well as ... Read more

Work Culture and Enabling Software Developers to Contribute

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.This article by Marcus Blankenship tries to answer the question why programmers become disaffected with a company and its goals and ultimately turn to just wanting to code. As I wrote in an earlier article about paying for developer tools with developers, particularly in larger organisations, I frequently encounter a feeling of powerlessness and not having significant say in that organisation’s direction. Marcus is spot on in that he attributes this far too common attitude to ... Read more

Paying for Developer Tools

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Recently, a user named amerkhalid wrote this on Hacker News (commenting on a question about the market for developer tools): Agreed. Developers are hard bunch to sell to. We go out of our way to find free tools and almost look down on people who use decent IDEs or other tools. One example, when I finally got legit license for Sublime Text, all of my friends made fun of me for paying for a free ... Read more
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