my blog. for you.

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Ich bin selbständiger IT Berater und Unternehmer in der Internet und Software Branche. Ich beschäftige mich mit Design, Enterprise Applikationen, Web Apps und SaaS Produkten. Ich entwerfe und entwickle Business Lösungen und Anwendungen. Ich helfe Unternehmen in Sachen Software Qualität und Wissenstransfer, z.B. mit Angular und Spring Boot.

Spring release schedule

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Spring - and Spring Boot in particular - are my main go-to frameworks when it comes to implementing applications and automating processes for both my clients and myself. Additionally, I give courses on Spring Boot and various other Spring-related subjects and I also run "Stratospheric - From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS" (ebook and companion online course). Hence, it's fair to say I'm quite committed to Spring and the Spring community, which ... Read more

Spring I/O 2023 – Keynote

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. Read more

Lösung für die COVID-19 Pandemie: Schnelltests als Zugangsberechtigung

Contrary to my usual writing habits the remainder of this post will be in German. The reason for this is that although the subject most certainly is of interest to everyone the specifics of the solution outlined in the following mostly apply to the current COVID-19 situation in Germany and my personal experience with that situation. The article therefore is mostly relevant to a German audience. If you're interested in discussing the potential for software-backed rapid COVID-19 tests in your (or ... Read more

Five Articles on Software Quality and Design Patterns

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.This week I'd like to point you to five articles I previously posted on this blog and from which I think that they're as relevant as they were at the time. The first three are about general software design principles, software architecture and software quality while the final two refer to specific best practices and common design patterns for Angular: Writing Disposable Code, Not Reusable Code (November 06, 2016) What Causes Over-engineering and How Can You ... Read more

Admiral Grace Hopper Explains the Nanosecond

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Grace Hopper was a brilliant computer scientist, who - among numerous other achievements throughout her career in mathematics and computer science, the military, and the at the time nascent software business - can be credited with having had a pivotal role in the development of the business programming language COBOL (which quite deservedly got her the nickname Grandma COBOL and which in turn gave rise to enterprise software and the enterprise software industry) This ... Read more

Repost vom 16. Juni 2020: Corona Tracing App für Deutschland

Repost vom 16. Juni 2020: Deutsche Corona Tracing App jetzt erfügbar. Read more

Deutsche Corona Tracing App Jetzt Verfügbar

Heute wurde die mit Spannung erwartete COVID-19 Tracing App für Deutschland unter dem Namen Corona-Warn-App veröffentlicht. Die iOS-Version ist hier im App Store verfügbar. Die Android-Version kann hier bei Google Play heruntergeladen werden. Die Corona-Warn-App basiert auf der DP3T Proximity Tracing Architektur und der gemeinsamen Spezifikation von Apple und Google für sichere Exposure Notification, die diese Architektur als API implementiert, auf die offizielle Stellen des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens zurückgreifen können. Die App wird als Open Source unter der Apache License entwickelt und veröffentlicht. Sie wurde ... Read more

Konrad Zuse: Not the most correct but the least complicated theories find practical application.

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Not the most correct but the least complicated theories find practical application. - Konrad Zuse A translated quote from one of the inventors of computers and modern computer science I read last year under a bust of Zuse near Kleiner Tiergarten in Berlin this statement is more relevant today than ever. In software development in particular we often attempt to design solutions that cover each and every possible use case - however unlikely or even ... Read more

Boring Solutions Revisited: Choose Boring Technology by Dan McKinley

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Dan McKinley's article on choosing boring solutions, although not exactly new anymore, has been a welcome reminder for me to revisit the topic of of using boring solutions and keeping things simple. Dan makes the point that "adding technology to your company comes with a cost" or as I stated in my own article on this subject: "The elephant in the room is: There’s an opportunity cost to everything." Most choices come with a trade-off. If you ... Read more

The 5 Levels of Logging Explained by Orhan Kavrakoğlu

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.In this article Orhan Kavrakoğlu explains the logging levels commonly used in software alongside with some pertinent examples as well as recommendations and best practices such as in which case to use which particular log level and how to present them to the target audience (i.e. other developers, system administrators or DevOps people) so they get noticed in accordance with their respective importance and urgency. As mentioned here before seemingly trivial improvements such as providing ... Read more
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