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Ich bin selbständiger IT Berater und Unternehmer in der Internet und Software Branche. Ich beschäftige mich mit Design, Enterprise Applikationen, Web Apps und SaaS Produkten. Ich entwerfe und entwickle Business Lösungen und Anwendungen. Ich helfe Unternehmen in Sachen Software Qualität und Wissenstransfer, z.B. mit Angular und Spring Boot.

What is a (business) process, actually?

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.The terms process and business process, in particular, are sometimes used lightly and without thinking too much about what those terms actually mean. Drawing upon and thinking in terms of the concept of a value chain (i.e., a set of activities designed to create a product or service that has value to a customer) some time ago I came up with this definition of what constitutes a process, not just when it comes to business ... Read more

No-code, Low-code, Some Code and Everything In-between

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.CTO-for-hire (through Freeman Clarke) Alex Hudson recently wrote an article about what he terms "The 'No Code' Delusion": That so-called no-code and low-code tools will replace bespoke business software development entirely, no trained software developers required anymore. In a nutshell, it's the old pipe dream of just having to write a specification (in this case a visual one) and having the actual code write itself, the fallacy here of course being that the code is ... Read more

Konrad Zuse: Not the most correct but the least complicated theories find practical application.

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Not the most correct but the least complicated theories find practical application. - Konrad Zuse A translated quote from one of the inventors of computers and modern computer science I read last year under a bust of Zuse near Kleiner Tiergarten in Berlin this statement is more relevant today than ever. In software development in particular we often attempt to design solutions that cover each and every possible use case - however unlikely or even ... Read more

Boring Solutions Revisited: Choose Boring Technology by Dan McKinley

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Dan McKinley's article on choosing boring solutions, although not exactly new anymore, has been a welcome reminder for me to revisit the topic of of using boring solutions and keeping things simple. Dan makes the point that "adding technology to your company comes with a cost" or as I stated in my own article on this subject: "The elephant in the room is: There’s an opportunity cost to everything." Most choices come with a trade-off. If you ... Read more

What’s Digitalisation Actually About?

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Digitalisation, or digital transformation, as it is sometimes also called is an important subject matter as well as challenge for businesses today. Therefore, I find it strangely confusing that sometimes aspects are lumped together under this umbrella that are not or only tangentially related to what digitalisation actually is about. So, here's my - perhaps opinionated - take on what digitalisation is actually about and what it entails. In a nutshell, digitalisation comprises these aspects: Rethinking ... Read more

Keep it simple, stupid

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.As something of a follow-up on my article on using boring solutions from two weeks ago I'd like to point you to a blog post by Justin Etheredge, cofounder of software development company Simple Thread: Software Complexity Is Killing Us In this post Justin outlines in which ways software development has become easier in the past few decades and also points out the ways in which it hasn't. Most of the complexity of software applications accumulates in ... Read more

Use Boring Solutions

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Often when working with both startups and project teams at larger, more seasoned companies I encounter a variation of the not invented here syndrome. This usually starts with the well-intentioned idea that in order to build the actual product you need ancillary services A, B and C in order for the product to work. However, more often than not instead of building the 'perfect' solution for your product yourself it might be a good idea to ... Read more

Test-driven Development (TDD) mit Angular 2 / 4

Vor kurzem habe ich zusammen mit Jan Massenberg von Setlog einen Vortrag über Test-driven development (TDD) mit Angular beim 2. Angular Ruhr Meetup gehalten. Aktuell unterstütze ich die Setlog GmbH bei der Verbesserung der Software Qualität und insbesondere bei der Entwicklung eines SaaS Tools, das Qualitätssicherungsprozesse (QA) im Supply Chain Management vereinfacht. Der Vortrag handelte von praktischen Erfahrungen mit TDD bei der Implementierung dieses SaaS Tools. Dieser Artikel fasst die wesentlichen Aspekte des Vortrags zusammen und beschreibt verschiedene Bestandteile eines Test-driven Design- und Entwickungsprozesses: ... Read more

Using Spring JdbcTemplate Instead of Object-Relational Mapping

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Spring JDBC and Spring JdbcTemplate in particular has become my go-to tool for accessing relational databases for quite some time now and for good reason in my opinion: The common way for using data from an RDBMS in an object-oriented context used to be and for the most part still is object-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks like the Java Persistence API (JPA) or Rails' ActiveRecord. As the name suggests these frameworks attempt to map data (and ... Read more

Clear Acceptance Criteria: The Key to Good Software Quality Right from the Start

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Actually it should come as no surprise that clear acceptance criteria are a quintessential prerequisite for high quality software that meets both design requirements and customer demand. All too often however, acceptance criteria for software products are either non-existent or vague and ambiguous at best. Who hasn't come across 'acceptance criteria' such as "The app should have a modern UI." or "The application should be easy to use."? What do bromides like that amount to? ... Read more
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