2019 seems to have been the year when remote work finally caught on. While not exactly the new default yet it’s not as alien and outré anymore as it used to be just a few years ago. Today, instead of being ridiculed or looking into bewildered faces proponents of remote work are usually taken seriously. You’re also far less likely to hear bromides such as “Yeah, we don’t do that here because in-person communication is easier.” (a claim often made but hardly ever substantiated).
Therefore I’d like to mention a few more recent resources that shed light on best practices for remote work or make remote work easier. After all, after centuries of on-site work practices have been firmly established that don’t exactly lend themselves to remote work environments. We therefore need to adapt these practices or do away with pointless, yet inveterate habits entirely if we want a sane work culture and effective work environments to succeed.
- Remote Work Encyclopedia by Moonlight: From hiring and managing remote team to security, career development and sections for contractors and digital nomads this comprehensive compendium of remote best practices has you covered.
- Remote Work 2020 by Remote Tools: In the same vein as the above but with a little more focus on work culture, particularly a remote-first one.
- REMOTE: Office Not Required – The quintessential guide to remote work by remote work trailblazers Basecamp.
- The Basecamp Guide to Internal Communication
- The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work by remote-first company Zapier.
- The Five Levels of Remote Work
- Remote-work resources by GitLab
- The Holloway Guide to Remote Work
- CoScreen: A fairly new but promising remote collaboration and screensharing platform that by providing an always-on shared screen establishes remote collaboration as the new default manner of working together.
- Tuple: A dedicated remote pair programming tool.
- Tandem: A virtual office for remote teams.
- There: A collaboration tool for remote-first teams.
- Loom: A tool for creating videos for documentation and knowledge sharing purposes.
- Terminal: A service that builds and manages remote teams for you.