my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

Clearing the Spring Security Context During Unit Testing

Last week I wrote about a minimal Spring Security Context setup for unit testing. I'd like to add just a tiny, yet depending on your use case perhaps quite important, tidbit to that: In case you need to reset a SecurityContext setup, e.g., a mocked user authentication, because, for instance, other test methods from the same unit test class verify behaviour for an unauthenticated application state and hence expect an anonymous user, you can clear the SecurityContext (for example, in your ... Read more

Minimal Spring Security Context Setup for Unit Testing

Creating a minimal Spring Security setup for JUnit unit tests can be a tedious as well as somewhat daunting task. With its Authentication, Principal, GrantedAuthority, and UserDetails classes Spring Security is extremely flexible and configurable and probably accommodates pretty much every authentication and authorization use case under the sun. However, in software architecture such flexibility often comes at price, the trade-off in this case being that simple use cases can require more implementation effort than one would expect. One such use case ... Read more

SCuri: Automating Unit Test Boilerplate Code for Angular Components

As I wrote about quite some time ago in this blog post, which details my solution for managing transitive dependencies for Angular unit tests . although Angular applications in general are easily testable and unit tests are first-class citizens with the framework itself, there's still some potential for improvement when in it comes to test maintainability. In particular, listing and referencing an Angular component's dependencies (i.e. the dependencies of the system under test) such as providers or imported modules can become tedious ... Read more

Revisiting Popular Posts: Spring Batch Resources & Maven Failsafe With Spring Boot

Two of the most popular posts on this blog cover resources for Spring Batch and how to use Maven Failsafe with Spring Boot: Spring Batch Resources: Batch Processing, ETL And Data Conversion Using Maven Failsafe With Spring Boot While doing some regular blog housekeeping, I recently revised those articles and fixed a few broken links. If you're interested in these technologies and frameworks, you might want to check those articles out. Read more

Using Maven Failsafe With Spring Boot

Maven Failsafe is a Maven plugin designed to be used in conjunction with the Maven Surefire Plugin. While the former plugin is intended for running integration tests the latter's purpose is to run unit tests. These plugins are tremendously useful for partitioning tests in Maven-based Java applications in order to make tests and builds run faster. When recently using Maven Failsafe with a Spring Boot application, though, I encountered a somewhat gnarly problem. Running mvn verify caused this error for all of the ... Read more

Mock Data Generators for Tabular Data

Developing a JavaScript-based web front-end, e.g. with frameworks such as Angular, at some point - especially during the prototype phase - often requires working with data supplied by a back-end data source. Tools such as JSON Server enable you to spin up such a data source as a REST API server in no time with zero coding involved. However, running a back-end server is only part of the equation that is testing a front-end against actual data. Another vital ingredient is the data ... Read more

Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass by Philip Riecks

From crafting new software to refactoring existing applications automated testing is an essential part of professional software development and pivotal to high quality software. Philip Riecks (one of the other authors of our upcoming eBook Stratospheric - From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS) offers the - aptly named - Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass, a comprehensive, in-depth online course on testing Spring Boot Applications. Currently (as of September 2020), the course consists of more than 90 videos (six hours in ... Read more

In-depth Description of Medical Devices Software Testing

In this blog post series medical devices software developer Julien Zaegel describes the process of testing software for medical devices, including automated tests, supervised tests and manual tests. Julien provides a detailed view on how quality assurance for software for medical devices works in order to ensure the safety and reliability required for devices of literally vital importance, as well as of course legal and regulatory compliance. He not only explains the various test processes, practices, categories of tests and different levels of ... Read more

Dependency Management for Angular Unit Tests Using TestModuleMetadata

Since its inception it's always been one of the eminent design goals of Angular (and AngularJS before it) to make JavaScript applications easily testable and bake unit and E2E testing right into the development process. While the Angular team certainly has succeeded at this there's still the occasional snag you hit when writing unit or end-to-end tests. For the most part, the testing experience with Angular is terrific and testing JavaScript codebases has come a long way but of course there's always ... Read more

Alicia Sedlock: “The Landscape of Front-End Testing” at Fronteers Conference 2017

Alicia Sedlock - “The Landscape of Front-End Testing” at Fronteers Conference 2017: Alicia Sedlock: "The Landscape of Front-End Testing" at Fronteers Conference 2017 from Fronteers on Vimeo. Read more
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