my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

Everything new in Spring Security 6 baked with a Spring Boot 3 recipe by Laur Spilca @ Spring I/O

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Spring Boot 3, Spring Security 6, and Angular 15

Spring Boot is frequently used for business applications conjunction with Angular, with Spring Boot providing REST API endpoints and an Angular app delivering a user front-end on top of those endpoints. To help you get started with that kind of setup, particularly when it comes to the subjects of authentication and authorization and how to keep user data secure between the components involved in such an architecture, these GitHub projects can be quite helpful. All of those support the most recent versions ... Read more

Implementing an Oauth 2 Authorization Server With Spring Security – The New Way! by Laurentiu Spilca @ Spring I/O 2022

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Clearing the Spring Security Context During Unit Testing

Last week I wrote about a minimal Spring Security Context setup for unit testing. I'd like to add just a tiny, yet depending on your use case perhaps quite important, tidbit to that: In case you need to reset a SecurityContext setup, e.g., a mocked user authentication, because, for instance, other test methods from the same unit test class verify behaviour for an unauthenticated application state and hence expect an anonymous user, you can clear the SecurityContext (for example, in your ... Read more

Minimal Spring Security Context Setup for Unit Testing

Creating a minimal Spring Security setup for JUnit unit tests can be a tedious as well as somewhat daunting task. With its Authentication, Principal, GrantedAuthority, and UserDetails classes Spring Security is extremely flexible and configurable and probably accommodates pretty much every authentication and authorization use case under the sun. However, in software architecture such flexibility often comes at price, the trade-off in this case being that simple use cases can require more implementation effort than one would expect. One such use case ... Read more