my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

Using SQLite on a Static Website Without a Back-end Server

GitHub user phiresky recently published an interesting blog post on Hosting SQLite databases on Github Pages. Using SQLite - or in fact any kind of SQL database - in the browser? Why should one want to do this? Now, while it's certainly true that in the context of web applications SQL databases and RDBMS generally are relegated to the realm of back-end servers, depending on the requirements, a database in a front-end application or a self-contained application that doesn't even have or ... Read more

GDPR Transparency: Web App for Managing GDPR-related Activities in Your Company

GDPR Transparency is a web app for managing the record of processing activities (see and technical and organisational measures (see as required by GDPR. Since I didn't feel comfortable with the common - rather makeshift - solution of managing GDPR-related processing activities (see in a spreadsheet table I've created this web app called GDPR Transparency that allows you to manage that kind of information for your business: The source code is available here: GDPR Transparency is a PWA based on Angular ... Read more

On Building Offline-Friendly Forms

Frontend developer Max Böck some time ago posted an article on how to create offline-friendly web forms Using the navigator.onLine method for checking if the user is still connected to the Internet, localStorage and service workers Max outlines a method for alleviating an annoying problem that comes with using forms on the web, particular on mobile platforms: Losing data and having to fill in a form repetitively if you lose your Internet connection before that form has been submitted. Having forms retain data in ... Read more

Creating Resuable Web Components with Stencil

Stencil is a compiler that generates Custom Elements (part of the Web Components specification) for reuse in any JavaScript web framework. Stencil was conceived by the creators of the Ionic Framework as means to build reliable framework-agnostic components. The Stencil developers put emphasis on creating progressive web apps that make use of modern browser features in a user-friendly manner. So, no matter if you use Angular, React or Vue.js for developing web applications Stencil allows you create and share reusable components that run ... Read more