my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

GDPR Transparency: Web App for Managing GDPR-related Activities in Your Company

GDPR Transparency is a web app for managing the record of processing activities (see and technical and organisational measures (see as required by GDPR. Since I didn't feel comfortable with the common - rather makeshift - solution of managing GDPR-related processing activities (see in a spreadsheet table I've created this web app called GDPR Transparency that allows you to manage that kind of information for your business: The source code is available here: GDPR Transparency is a PWA based on Angular ... Read more

Shadow Gallery – I Believe

Shadow Gallery is one of those lesser known bands in progressive metal that deserve to have made the big time but unfortunately for one reason or another never did. Their most quintessential work so far probably is their 1998 album Tyranny still featuring singer Mike Baker, who unfortunately died in 2008. The album and particular this song I Believe (featuring a well-known guest singer from a highly successful progressive metal band ...) capture ideas and feelings that were prevalent with hackers, civil ... Read more

Email as a Personal API

Some time ago I came across a concept by Marc Bevand advocating email as a Decentralized API to Personal Information. In this post he outlines the idea that - email being such a pervasive tool to the extent that nearly everyone uses it - a personal, distributed and decentralized API layer could be built on top of it. The basic idea is this: Email could be used as a protocol for transactions and automatically exchanging information. Take these use cases for example: Automatically ... Read more

PrettyGoodSync: Find Public Keys For Your Contacts

Encryption software such as PGP and GPG unfortunately has always been suffering from low adaption rates outside of the computer nerd / hacker crowd. The less than stellar user experience of many of those encryption tools has been a major contributing factor to that. However, those tools have come long way both feature-wise and as for their usability, for instance have a look at the formidable GPGMail / GPGTools for OS X that makes dealing with public key encryption a breeze. Nevertheless, ... Read more