my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

My name is Björn …

Looks like my name's broken. Perhaps next time I'll check in under a non-Unicode, strictly ASCII charset one. Does that count as a @KevlinHenney? — Björn Wilmsmann (@bwilmsmann) October 2, 2019 Read more

Olivier Combe @ AngularConnect 2018: Runtime i18n with Ivy

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Jenny Shen: UX Design Across Different Cultures

UX designer Jenny Shen recently has been featured on the Scott Hanselman's podcast with her work on UX design across different cultures. She's published a two-part summary of her experiences with cross-cultural design and internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) of websites and applications: UX Design Across Different Cultures — Part 1 UX Design Across Different Cultures — Part 2 These articles shed light on how distributing an application or publishing a website in another country not only requires translating the content and labels of UI elements but also has ... Read more

Paul Verbeek-Mas @ RuhrJS 2017 – Calendar / Kalender / تقويم (aka, the fun of locali[zs]ation)

At RuhrJS 2017 Paul Verbeek-Mas gave an interesting talk on the joys and intricacies of i18n and l10n with regard to how time, dates and calendars are rendered in web apps: Read more

FormatJS: Localize dates and numbers

Internationalization and localization still is a somewhat difficult problem in software development. FormatJS is a collection of JavaScript libraries that addresses a part of this problem by formatting dates and numbers according to a selected locale. It makes clever use of pluralization and natural language patterns so the output strings read like a natural language utterance instead of a computer-generated string, for example it generates these outputs for 0, 1 and 1,000 items, respectively: "Annie took no photos on December 14, 2014." "Annie took ... Read more

i18n is a hard and largely unsolved problem

After last week's post about the intricacies of dealing with date and time representations in software I promised to write about another seemingly simple yet surprisingly complex area of software development: Internationalization. Some time ago a I wrote about an interesting presentation on i18n and localization in Rails by Heather Rivers of Yammer. If you're in any way dealing with internationalization (i18n) and localization (L10n) of software (which you basically should if you're into software development) have a look at the video of ... Read more

Presentation on i18n and Crowdsourcing Localization in Rails

Linguistic Potluck: Crowdsourcing Localization in Rails by Heather Rivers of Yammer is a great presentation on the intricacies of web app internationalization, its linguistic implications and some awesome solutions to the most common i18n-related issues. Read more