my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

More on JSON and REST API Specifications

Expanding on my previous posts about annotating and validating JSON data structure with JSON Schema defining and documenting REST APIs using Swagger I have two additional suggestions for tools that help you define and build HTTP-based APIs in a less haphazard, more deliberate manner: JSON API: While JSON Schema allows you to annotate and validate JSON-based data types JSON API gives you clear, opinionated guidelines for structuring JSON API responses so you don't have think about those implementation details yourself. Having uniform guidelines for API ... Read more

JHipster: Generate And Bootstrap CRUD Apps With Spring Boot And Angular

The previous two posts in my series on helpful tools for developing CRUD applications were about tools that addressed very specific problem areas: API format specifications and code generation from those specifications in particular. This post will be both less about APIs and solving specific CRUD-related problems but about a tool that deals with CRUD app requirements in a comprehensive manner. This tool I'm talking about is called - not so slightly tongue-in-cheek - JHipster. Both inspired by tried-and-true frameworks like Ruby on ... Read more

Swagger: A Roundtrip Tool For Creating And Consuming REST APIs

In this second part of my series on useful tools for developing CRUD applications I'd like to introduce Swagger and Swagger Codegen in particular. Introduce perhaps isn't exactly the right word because first of all Swagger is quite well known in developer circles these days. Secondly, a few months ago I wrote a blog post about how to use Swagger to generate client SDKs for REST APIs. Swagger - originally having originated at Wordnik is a tool for documenting and publishing their ... Read more

Annotate and validate data structures with JSON Schema

I'd like to begin my little series of useful tools for developing CRUD applications with JSON Schema: "JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents." JSON Schema gives you a straightforward way to provide type information and validation to existing data structures. Say, for example you have a product instance like this (converted from your language's native object or general data structure format using a tool like Jackson for Java): [code lang="js"] { "id": 1,  ... Read more

Why Do We Still Write CRUD Applications?

Probably every software developer - since the 1990s at least - has been there once, asking him- or herself: "Why do I have to write tedious, repetitive CRUD code time and time again?" Being good, virtuous programmers some of those developers did what software development in the end mostly is about: They tried to automate a cumbersome, repetitive process that like any repetitive process should be performed by machines rather than humans. Some have succeeded - to some degree at least - ... Read more