my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

TED Talk – Peter Singer: The Why And How of Effective Altruism

In 2013 philosopher Peter Singer held a TED talk on the intriguing idea of effective altruism. The simple premise of this idea is that with altruism both the heart and the head need to be involved in order to truly make a difference and make the world a better place. While empathy and compassion for other people's suffering is a prerequisite for altruism, if altruistic action isn't undertaken in a purposeful, effective manner it does little more than placate your conscience, in other ... Read more

CoderDojo: Free Programming Clubs For Young People

At last year's Web Summit in Dublin I came across CoderDojo, a community that organizes free programming clubs for young people. Originally founded in Cork by entrepreneurs James Whelton and Bill Liao, CoderDojo is a volunteer-led 'grass roots'-type organization that promotes teaching programming to young people in order to support kids by giving them valuable skills that allow them to create stuff such as useful tools, products and art. At the same time efforts like this help tackle the shortage of people ... Read more

Ron Finley: A guerilla gardener in South Central LA

Ron Finley is a self-proclaimed guerilla gardener from Los Angeles who took the initiative and went about making his neighborhood a better, healthier place to live by converting vacant lots in the "food desert" of South Los Angeles (formerly known as South Central Los Angeles) into vegetable gardens. Ron truly is an epitome of "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." taking steps as tiny as planting a tomato plant in order to gradually and steadily ... Read more