my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

Be ‘Mr. Miyagi’ or find one! by Kelly Jille @ Spring I/O 2022

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Linda Liukas – Programming Playgrounds @ beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf 2022

At this year’s iteration of beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf, Linda Liukas gave this fascinating opening talk on her ideas and concepts for a reimagined programming education: Read more

Blogumentation Revisited

Some time ago I wrote about a process called "blogumentation": Derived from the insight that arguably the best way to learn something and to internalise knowledge is to write about it and to try and explain that knowledge to others, blogumentation essentially means writing about a subject matter (e.g. a solution to a particular programming problem or a new practice you've just learned about) that you consider worth documenting and publishing the result. It means that instead of documenting something just for ... Read more


I'm not sure if he actually came up with the term 'blogumentation' but software quality engineer Jamie Tanna features quite prominently when searching for it so at the very least he appears to be one of its more avid and deliberate users. Anyway, while the term 'blogumentation' might be somewhat obscure the concept behind this particular portmanteau is a seminal one. Basically, it derives from the insight that often the best way to learn and internalise knowledge is to talk, write and ... Read more

Anjana Vakil @ RuhrJS 2017 – Immutable Data Structures for Functional JS

At RuhrJS 2017 Anjana Vakil gave a fascinating talk on immutable data structures for use with functional programming. This talk involves some great educational storytelling. Even if you've never had a computer science course on data structures and never entirely understood things like hashes, trees or tries, after having watched this talk you will! Read more

Learning React Native Through Responsiveness and Instant Feedback

React Native Express is an interactive guide that enables you to learn React Native right in the browser. Getting started with React Native - and React for that matter - can be quite daunting. While the framework itself isn't all that difficult to grasp there are quite a few tools like transpilers such as Babel and state management libraries like Redux which are required for getting productive with React Native. React Native Express attempts to ease you in and make that initial ... Read more

CoderDojo: Free Programming Clubs For Young People

At last year's Web Summit in Dublin I came across CoderDojo, a community that organizes free programming clubs for young people. Originally founded in Cork by entrepreneurs James Whelton and Bill Liao, CoderDojo is a volunteer-led 'grass roots'-type organization that promotes teaching programming to young people in order to support kids by giving them valuable skills that allow them to create stuff such as useful tools, products and art. At the same time efforts like this help tackle the shortage of people ... Read more