my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

Reflectoring: Reactive Architecture with Spring Boot

Based on asynchronous event processing, message-driven data streams, and non-blocking I/O reactive programming is a popular paradigm for developing web and cloud applications, particularly large-scale and distributed ones using a microservices architecture. Some time ago, I published a tiny introductory post on reactive programming with Spring Boot and Spring WebFlux. Reflectoring has this much more in-depth article on reactive architecture with Spring Boot, which covers everything from building a traditional synchronous-style application, converting such an application to a reactive architecture, and using and ... Read more

Reactive Programming with Spring Boot and Spring WebFlux

Reactive Programming and its functional incarnation reactive functional programming are declarative programming paradigms that with the advent of reactive extensions for JavaScript such as RxJS have become immensely popular. The JavaScript event loop and the run-to-completion behaviour it entails as well as Node.js's non-blocking I/O calls lend themselves to an event-driven programming style that deals with asynchronous behaviour where both number and frequency of events aren't known beforehand. Reactor is a library that introduces this paradigm to Java. Spring WebFlux is a ... Read more