my blog. for you.

Let’s talk digital.

I’m an independent IT consultant and entrepreneur in the Internet and software business. I’m interested in design, enterprise applications, web apps and SaaS products. I design and develop business solutions and applications. I help companies in terms of software quality and knowledge transfer, e.g. with Angular and Spring Boot.

CoderDojo: Free Programming Clubs For Young People

At last year's Web Summit in Dublin I came across CoderDojo, a community that organizes free programming clubs for young people. Originally founded in Cork by entrepreneurs James Whelton and Bill Liao, CoderDojo is a volunteer-led 'grass roots'-type organization that promotes teaching programming to young people in order to support kids by giving them valuable skills that allow them to create stuff such as useful tools, products and art. At the same time efforts like this help tackle the shortage of people ... Read more

Cameron Herold: Let’s raise kids to be entrepreneurs

In this fast-paced TED talk entrepreneur Cameron Herold talks about why kids should be raised to be entrepreneurs instead of being lawyers or accountants. By and large, society and our educational system predominantly prepares children for corporate jobs. This is a huge missed opportunity because many children have entrepreneurial traits and skills like creativity, storytelling, tenacity, networking, problem-solving and negotiating skills. However, we don't nurture those but teach kids to get and hold down a 'proper' job. Even the seemingly innocent concept of ... Read more