Developing with Apache Wicket

I've been working with Apache Wicket on a rather complex client project for quite some time now and I'd like to share my experience. Apache Wicket is a component-based web app framework for Java. In contrast to MVC frameworks such as Rails (or Play and Grails in the Java world), which map requests to controller actions and views, Wicket is more similar to stateful GUI frameworks like Swing. Wicket applications are made up of trees of components. Each Wicket page is a root ... Read more

Piraten auf Abwegen?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.Nach dem rasanten Aufstieg der Piratenpartei - die Partei trat in Deutschland immerhin erst 2006 überhaupt zu Wahlen an und war 2012 bereits in 4 Landes- und etlichen Kommunalparlamenten vertreten - folgte im Laufe des letzten Jahres ein noch rasanterer Absturz, der seinen vorläufigen Tiefpunkt im Ergebnis bei der Wahl zum niedersächsischen Landtag fand. Die schnelle und deutliche Erfolg der Piratenpartei liegt meiner Meinung nach darin begründet, dass alle im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien die Themen ... Read more

Live Tools For Building Website Elements

Ui Parade have released a series of design tools that allow you to have common website elements generated in HTML / CSS: These tools include: Button Builder Form Builder Icon Bulder Ribbon Builder Have a look at Ui Parade's actual website, too. It lists quite a bunch of useful and inspiring design elements. Read more

Regexper: Visualize Regular Expressions

Regexper is a new visualization tool that renders regular expressions as the equivalent finite-state machines. Very cool stuff, give it a try. Read more

WordPress Child Themes

A few days ago I read a very useful tip regarding customizing WordPress themes and why you should use child themes for that. In short, child themes allow you to extend and customize existing WordPress themes without compromising the ability to update the original theme. If instead you directly customized a theme your changes would be lost once you install an update (or have that update installed automatically). Read more