my blog. for you.

Reden wir über Digitales.

Ich bin selbständiger IT Berater und Unternehmer in der Internet und Software Branche. Ich beschäftige mich mit Design, Enterprise Applikationen, Web Apps und SaaS Produkten. Ich entwerfe und entwickle Business Lösungen und Anwendungen. Ich helfe Unternehmen in Sachen Software Qualität und Wissenstransfer, z.B. mit Angular und Spring Boot.

Blogumentation Revisited

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Some time ago I wrote about a process called "blogumentation": Derived from the insight that arguably the best way to learn something and to internalise knowledge is to write about it and to try and explain that knowledge to others, blogumentation essentially means writing about a subject matter (e.g. a solution to a particular programming problem or a new practice you've just learned about) that you consider worth documenting and publishing the result. It means ... Read more


Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.I'm not sure if he actually came up with the term 'blogumentation' but software quality engineer Jamie Tanna features quite prominently when searching for it so at the very least he appears to be one of its more avid and deliberate users. Anyway, while the term 'blogumentation' might be somewhat obscure the concept behind this particular portmanteau is a seminal one. Basically, it derives from the insight that often the best way to learn and ... Read more