my blog. for you.

Reden wir über Digitales.

Ich bin selbständiger IT Berater und Unternehmer in der Internet und Software Branche. Ich beschäftige mich mit Design, Enterprise Applikationen, Web Apps und SaaS Produkten. Ich entwerfe und entwickle Business Lösungen und Anwendungen. Ich helfe Unternehmen in Sachen Software Qualität und Wissenstransfer, z.B. mit Angular und Spring Boot.

Latency by The Radiophonic Workshop

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.On the 22nd of November, the electronic music pioneers of the BBC's Radiophonic Workshop (of "Doctor Who" theme music fame, amongst others) performed a unique piece of music called 'Latency', in which they make clever use of network latency to create a musical loop. Each of the musicians involved sequentially played his part in a loop. The result then was sent via the Internet to the next musician at another location, who in turn ... Read more

Claire L. Evans – Broad Band – What History’s Female Internet Pioneers Can Teach Us About Tomorrow @ beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf 2018

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Shadow Gallery – I Believe

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Shadow Gallery is one of those lesser known bands in progressive metal that deserve to have made the big time but unfortunately for one reason or another never did. Their most quintessential work so far probably is their 1998 album Tyranny still featuring singer Mike Baker, who unfortunately died in 2008. The album and particular this song I Believe (featuring a well-known guest singer from a highly successful progressive metal band ...) capture ideas and ... Read more

Hackers – Between camp and weird classic

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Recently, I watched the film Hackers again. It's a weird, fast-paced jumble of tech paranoia, Camp, techno-babble, a contrived hacker youth sub-culture that - perhaps sadly so - neither existed at that time nor ever came to be. It's very much a 90s film with its colourful clothing, the techno music and the general premise that technology is going to change everything. The Web was in its first early boom phase and the people ... Read more

Web Summit 2015 in Dublin

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.A few weeks ago I've been to beautiful, vibrant Dublin for this year's Web Summit. Web Summit - self-proclaimed (and from what I've seen and experienced quite rightfully so) "world’s greatest tech fest" - is a 3-day event packed to the brim with a huge variety of talks and presentations on different tracks such as Design Summit, Enterprise Summit and Health Summit. Besides, there's a vast number of startups both pitching on a fewer ... Read more

Email as a Personal API

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Some time ago I came across a concept by Marc Bevand advocating email as a Decentralized API to Personal Information. In this post he outlines the idea that - email being such a pervasive tool to the extent that nearly everyone uses it - a personal, distributed and decentralized API layer could be built on top of it. The basic idea is this: Email could be used as a protocol for transactions and automatically exchanging ... Read more

Huge Potential For Mesh Networking In Mobile Phones

Apple's iOS 7 contains a highly interesting but until now very much under-appreciated feature that Apple calls Multipeer Connectivity. Another name for this feature is mesh network and it potentially can change the world. Basically, a mesh network is a network topology, in which each participant is connected to every other participant. This results in a dense network that's particularly resilient towards failures and tampering from outside. In contrast to that the computer networks we commonly use for the most part employ a ... Read more

Vernetzt euch: #blognetz

Ende letzten Jahres setzte sich Johnny Haeusler auf Spreeblick für 2013 das Ziel, das Web zurück zu erobern. Kurz gesagt geht es ihm darum, dass sich schon seit geraumer Zeit öffentliche Meinung und Diskussionen im Netz von Blogs hin zu sozialen Netzwerken wie Facebook und Twitter verschieben. Das Problem dabei ist, dass Walled Gardens wie Facebook den Prinzipien eines offenen WWW widersprechen, in dem Inhalte dauerhaft und unabhängig vom Wohlwollen einzelner Unternehmen verlinkt werden können. Die eigentliche öffentliche Diskussion und Meinungsbildung ... Read more