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Ich bin selbständiger IT Berater und Unternehmer in der Internet und Software Branche. Ich beschäftige mich mit Design, Enterprise Applikationen, Web Apps und SaaS Produkten. Ich entwerfe und entwickle Business Lösungen und Anwendungen. Ich helfe Unternehmen in Sachen Software Qualität und Wissenstransfer, z.B. mit Angular und Spring Boot.

Dependency Management for Angular Unit Tests Using TestModuleMetadata

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Since its inception it's always been one of the eminent design goals of Angular (and AngularJS before it) to make JavaScript applications easily testable and bake unit and E2E testing right into the development process. While the Angular team certainly has succeeded at this there's still the occasional snag you hit when writing unit or end-to-end tests. For the most part, the testing experience with Angular is terrific and testing JavaScript codebases has come a ... Read more

The 5 Levels of Logging Explained by Orhan Kavrakoğlu

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.In this article Orhan Kavrakoğlu explains the logging levels commonly used in software alongside with some pertinent examples as well as recommendations and best practices such as in which case to use which particular log level and how to present them to the target audience (i.e. other developers, system administrators or DevOps people) so they get noticed in accordance with their respective importance and urgency. As mentioned here before seemingly trivial improvements such as providing ... Read more

Artur Śmiarowski’s Guidelines for Writing Readable Code

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Code means communication has become a bit of a mantra for me. Source code isn't just the means by which you translate requirements into commands and structures a machine can understand. Source code also communicates your intent as a designer and engineer as to what a particular piece of software is supposed to do. If written in a clear and comprehensible manner code can serve as an authoritative design specification with no or little extra ... Read more

Dimensions of Software Quality: Outcomes, Continuity, Cohesion and Coupling

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.IT consultant Erik Dietrich wrote this interesting article about his approach for evaluating software quality from a business perspective. He suggests these 2 questions as the main business considerations when it comes to software quality: Does the software do what it’s supposed to do? Can I easily change what the software does? In other words: Software quality is determined by both outcome and continuity (the extent to which software allows for changing circumstances, see Jeff Sussna's book Designing ... Read more

Test-driven Development (TDD) mit Angular 2 / 4

Vor kurzem habe ich zusammen mit Jan Massenberg von Setlog einen Vortrag über Test-driven development (TDD) mit Angular beim 2. Angular Ruhr Meetup gehalten. Aktuell unterstütze ich die Setlog GmbH bei der Verbesserung der Software Qualität und insbesondere bei der Entwicklung eines SaaS Tools, das Qualitätssicherungsprozesse (QA) im Supply Chain Management vereinfacht. Der Vortrag handelte von praktischen Erfahrungen mit TDD bei der Implementierung dieses SaaS Tools. Dieser Artikel fasst die wesentlichen Aspekte des Vortrags zusammen und beschreibt verschiedene Bestandteile eines Test-driven Design- und Entwickungsprozesses: ... Read more

Agile Med Dev: Software Testing for Medical Devices

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Medical devices software engineer Julien Zaegel wrote an interesting series of articles on medical devices software testing. These articles provide an overview of as well as several useful insights on the specifics of testing medical devices software and software in general. When it comes to automated and manual software testing for medical devices there are several aspects you don't usually have to deal with when testing more common kinds of web or business applications: With medical ... Read more

Clear Acceptance Criteria: The Key to Good Software Quality Right from the Start

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Actually it should come as no surprise that clear acceptance criteria are a quintessential prerequisite for high quality software that meets both design requirements and customer demand. All too often however, acceptance criteria for software products are either non-existent or vague and ambiguous at best. Who hasn't come across 'acceptance criteria' such as "The app should have a modern UI." or "The application should be easy to use."? What do bromides like that amount to? ... Read more

Writing Disposable Code, Not Reusable Code

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.In an article about common software over-engineering mistakes Subhas Dandapani provides a lot of useful insights on why software often is over-engineered - sometimes to the extent it becomes unmaintainable. From my experience, the by far most frequent cause of over-engineered and overly complex software is engineers trying to anticipate requirements and potential future use cases. Everything has to be abstract in order to accommodate any possible use case business might come up with. Repetition ... Read more

Mockito 2 now available

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.Last week version 2.1.0 of the Mockito testing framework for Java has been released. For more information on this latest iteration check out this page. As the name suggests, Mockito allows you to mock object behaviour during unit tests. When writing unit tests you only want to test a particular unit's behaviour (hence the name). Depending on the programming language used such a unit might be a function, a procedure or - most commonly ... Read more

Less Is More

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.What's true for design in general certainly is true for software design in particular: Less is more - or paraphrasing Dieter Rams - "Write less software in order to write better software." A few weeks ago I read this interesting article by web accessibility consultant Heydon Pickering. In this blog post he argues that the only foolproof way of writing performant web applications is to write less code. Sure, all that fancy minification, transpiling, JIT ... Read more
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