my blog. for you.

Reden wir über Digitales.

Ich bin selbständiger IT Berater und Unternehmer in der Internet und Software Branche. Ich beschäftige mich mit Design, Enterprise Applikationen, Web Apps und SaaS Produkten. Ich entwerfe und entwickle Business Lösungen und Anwendungen. Ich helfe Unternehmen in Sachen Software Qualität und Wissenstransfer, z.B. mit Angular und Spring Boot.

Kim Crayton @ RuhrJS 2017 – What is Community Engineering?

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.At RuhrJS 2017 Kim Crayton gave this energetic and hopeful as well as insightful talk on community engineering in terms of diversity and how diversity benefits both communities and companies from an economic point of view: Read more

Possible Brexit Fallout: Decentralization

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.While some things are still certain after the Brexit vote in June, most aren't. Though the argument that won the day was all about "taking back control" of the country, at least short term a quite likely result might be that nothing much will change in terms of control and the people will have merely exchanged one aloof, self-serving elite for another. I still think that Brexit is a royally stupid idea but in the ... Read more

CoderDojo: Free Programming Clubs For Young People

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.At last year's Web Summit in Dublin I came across CoderDojo, a community that organizes free programming clubs for young people. Originally founded in Cork by entrepreneurs James Whelton and Bill Liao, CoderDojo is a volunteer-led 'grass roots'-type organization that promotes teaching programming to young people in order to support kids by giving them valuable skills that allow them to create stuff such as useful tools, products and art. At the same time efforts like ... Read more