Last week, we released the first update of “Stratospheric – From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS” after our 1.0 release in August.
Thanks a lot to GitHub users anthony-be, skhurram, alrawas, mygordienko, and lealceldeiro, who contributed to our sample Todo app by creating issues and pull requests.
The code changes resulting from these contributions in turn are reflected in our latest update for the eBook, in which we clarified some aspects about scaling out / sticky sessions and added a section about how to optionally use an SSL certificate when initializing our application load balancer with our CDK NetworkApp.
Apart from that and in addition to fixing some minor spelling mistakes, we also started unifying the look & feel of our diagrams by drawing upon Excalidraw and a Shapes for UML & ER Diagrams library we contributed to this interesting new diagram tool that has a hand-drawn appeal to it without the diagrams created with it appearing cartoonish.
The chapters on “Building User Registration and Login with Amazon Cognito” and “Push Notifications with Amazon MQ” now include sequence diagrams made with Excalidraw.
You can always get the latest version of Stratospheric at Leanpub.